Mass Communication

VSI believes that no R&D program is complete unless and until its findings are communicated to the actual users. Hence, it is constantly in touch with personnel from the industry. Direct communication is established through seminars, farmers-rallies and through information brochures, training programs and a quarterly publication - VSIBulletin. Our publications of compiled working results of sugar factories in the Maharashtra State published every year has proved to be an excellent reference document. It helps to establish norms on performance, to diagnose scope for further improvement and to identify the emerging trends in the industry. The document is widely used by technocrats, administrators, planners and policy makers.
VSI is an ideal organization for the production of television programs and educative videos targeted at cane growers and agriculturists. National Doordarshan and many private TV channels have shot programs in the pristine precincts of VSI. All India Radio often broadcasts interviews of R&D personnel from the institute........
1. VSI Bulletin. programs
2. Publications