In sugar industry, the Instrumentation and Control (I&C) systems are being used for measurement and control of various process variables such as flow, temperature, level, pressure, conductivity, Brix, pol, pH etc. of juice, syrup, massecuite, water, steam, vapours, RS, ENA, Ethanol etc. in sugar manufacturing, co-generation and distillery applications.
In late 70’s the use of instrumentation in sugar mill was limited to boiler and laboratory applications for monitoring purpose only. Maintenance of these instruments was the acute need of the industry and no skilled manpower was available for the same in the industry.
To fulfill the needs of industry in I&C, the great visionaries of the Institute had established Instrumentation Department in year 1977.
‘To improve the status of instrumentation and automation systems in sugar industry’ has been main objective of Instrumentation Department since its establishment.
This is being achieved through following activities:
Extension and Consultancy services:
• Consultancy and troubleshooting of instrumentation and automation systems.
• Calibration of process and laboratory instruments as per ISO 9001:2015 requirements
• Design and development of control systems
• Instrumentation and Control Activities in new sugar plants, co-generation and distillery
• Maintenance and calibration of in-house Scientific Instruments
Teaching and Training
• Post Graduate Diploma course in ‘Sugar Instrumentation Technology’ of 1 ½ year
• Two short term training programmes in instrumentation.
• Special training programmes in Instrumentation and control.