Electronic & Computer - Products
VSIsugarERP - A Complete and Quality Software Solution for Sugar and Allied Industries

VSIsugarERP is an Enterprise Resource Planning Software product developed by experts of Electronics and Computer Division of VSI with an aim of providing an integrated computerized low cost software solution for sugar and allied industries with full and assured maintenance backup.
A Complete and Quality Software Solution for sugar and allied industries with an assurance of maintenance support is a need. VSI, therefore, designed, developed and fully tested VSIsugarERP software. VSIsugarERP facilitates the output reports in English as well as in local languages. It covers all the activities of the sugar factory in various modules. In built facilities for desired MIS reports and graphical presentations of key-data are provided. The VSIsugarERP is the complete and quality solution for sugar and allied industries and suitable for implementation as a whole as well as module-wise....
VSIsugarERP Sugar Modules:
1. Sugar Cane Management
2. Sugar Cane Development
3. Weigh Bridge
4. Sugar Manufacturing and Chemical Laboratory Analysis
5. Sugar Cane Farmer billing
6. H and T Billing
7. Sugar Sale
8. Godown Management
9. Store Inventory
10. Purchase and Costing
11. Financial accounting
12. Time Office
14. Sugar Cane Deposit
15. Distillery
16. Country Liquor
17. Fixed Deposit
18. Petrol Pump
19. Soil Laboratory Analysis Module
20. Sugar SMS
21. Weigh Bridge (Other than cane)
22. Molasses Sale
23. Bagasse & Press-Mud Sale
The Salient Features of VSIsugarERP
• The cost of VSlsugarERP is 50% less than commercial software available in market. The VSI provides source code of
VSlsugarERP software to the factories, free of cost.
• The software supports multilingual facilities like Marathi, Kannad, Hindi and Gujarati. The software is user friendly to
operate and easy to customize.
• The software helps the factory for transparent and systematic work flow, standardization of reports to minimize paper
work and MIS reports are available on single click.
• VSlsugarERP software is a bundle of 23 modules. It is implemented in 85 factories in Maharashtra, Karnataka, Goa,
Gujarat and abroad (Uganda).The software is designed using RDBMS database which avoids duplication of work.
• Fully controlled by appropriate authentication and authorization access rights.
• Immediate SMS notification to farmers and H&T-contractors with tonnage details as soon as the vehicle is
emptied on weigh-bridge.
• Open-ended design makes further Developments / Enhancements very easy.
• Online refreshing Dash-Board with Real-time crushing status, Number of vehicles in cane-yard ata given moment ,
Raw-material (cane) available in cane- yard at any moment , Weigh-bridge status.
• Centralized Database with Security Features.
• Reliable, prompt and assured after-sales service to the entire satisfaction of users.
• Better Management & Full Utilization of Existing Resources.
• Easy to use user interface.
• information integration for effective implementation.
• Flexibility.
• Better Analysis and Planning Capabilities.
• Use of Latest Technology.
• Reports, graphs and charts display higher performance visibility.
• Capability to integrate all the modules whether installed as a whole or module- wise.