Entomology - Research
Research Objectives
1. To grade the entries in zonal varietal trails for their behavior towards damage by key pests in the area.
2. To identify key insect pests of sugarcane in the area.
3. To monitor the key insect pests and natural enemies in the area.
4. To develop an economical mass multiplication techniques of promising bio-agents of the area.
5. To manage white grub in sugarcane.
6. To Assess yield losses caused by borer pests of sugarcane under changing climate scenario.
VSI Sponsored Research Projects
1. Evaluation of VSI genotypes for their reaction against major insect pests.
Ongoing Research Projects
1. Evaluation of zonal varieties /genotypes for their reaction against major insect pests.
2. Survey and surveillance of sugarcane insect pests.
3. Monitoring of insect pests and bioagents in sugarcane agro- ecosystem
4. Standardization of simple, cost-effective techniques for mass multiplication of sugarcane Bio agents
5. Integrated approach to manage white grubs in sugarcane
6. Assessment of yield losses caused by borer pests of sugarcane under changing climate scenario.