Alcohol Technology & Biofuels - Publications

- The Department of Alcohol Technology & Biofuels annually publishes book titled “Technical Performance of VSI Member Distilleries in Maharashtra”. The book covers performance of all member distilleries in Maharashtra State for comparison that includes Production and Technical Performance parameters of distilleries - Alcohol & ENA Production, Capacity, Production and Sale of Country and India Made Foreign Liqour etc.
Comprehensive comparative data and information on co-operative distilleries operating in Maharashtra State for two seasons.
A complete reference book on co-operative distilleries in Maharashtra State offering list of these distilleries. and other vital contact details such as address, phone/ fax numbers, names of chairman, vice chairman, managing director, distillery manager/ incharge....
1. Contents of publication
2. Download order form here (Latest available for 2019-2020 season)
3. Technical Performance of VSI Member Distlleries in Maharastra(2018-2019)
4. Technical Performance of VSI Member Distlleries in Maharastra(2019-2020)
5. Technical Performance of VSI Member Distlleries in Maharastra(2020-2021)
6. Technical Performance of VSI Member Distlleries in Maharastra(2021-2022)
List Of Patent
“An improved plant for the treatment of spentwash to produce powdered fuel for generating energy with minimum pollution” Patent No. 173173 dated 28/10/1994.
“A microcontroller based system for measurement of solvent concentration” Number 197798 dated 23rd May, 2001.
"Method for pre-clarification of molasses to improve the fermentation efficiency thereof" Indian patent Number 201821039366 dated 17th April 2019.
"Method for pre-clarification of molasses to improve the fermentation efficiency thereof" US Patent Number 16/850,281 dated 16th April 2020.
"Method for pre-treatment of lignocellulosic biomass using recycled acid and alkali, in lactic acid production" Number 202021008352 dated 27th Feb 2020.
"Method for ethanol production from sugar by addition of spent wash as nutrient supplementation" Number 202021025284 dated 16th June 2020.
List Of Publications
1. Behera S, Konde K, Patil S (2023). Methods for bio-butanol production and purification, In: Juan Segovia-Hernandez, ShuvashishBehera, Eduardo Sanchez-Ramirez (Editors), Advances and developments in biobutanol production, Elsevier, Chapter 10, 279-301, DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-323-91178-8.00004-7.
2. Juan Segovia-Hernandez, Shuvashish Behera, Eduardo Sanchez-Ramirez (2022). Advances and developments in biobutanol production, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-323-91178-8,
3. Behera S, Patil T, Patil S, Konde K (2022).Making invert sugarcane syrup: an alternative substrate for ethanol production in sugar and allied industries. STAI 80th Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo-2022, 334-338.
4. Garg S, Behera S, Ruiz HA, Kumar S(2022). A Review on Opportunities and Limitations of Membrane Bioreactor Configuration in Biofuel Production. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 1-44. DOI: 10.1007/s12010-022-03955-z.
5. Eloka-Eboka AC, Maroa S, Behera S(2021). Algal biofuels-technologies, scope, opportunities, challenges, and applications. Sustainable Biofuels, 449-470.DOI:10.1016/B978-0-12-820297-5.00016-5.
6. Patil S, Konde K, Behera S (2022). Bio-Circular Economy: An Opportunity for Diversification for Sugar Industries in Compressed Biogas (CBG) and Organic Fertilizer Production. Sugar Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s12355-022-01130-6.
7. Patil D., Joshi S., Konde K. Patil S. (2021). Critical & wholistic techno-economic analysis of options of B-heavy molasses and cane syrup use in
a sugar mill-distillery complex, 66th DSTA Annual convention, Oct. 30-31, 2021.
8. Patil S, Singh S, Behera S, Konde K (2021). Bio-Circular Economy: Opportunity for Diversification for Sugar mills in Waste to Energy (Biofuels) Field: Compressed Biogas (CBG) and Organic Fertilizer. STAI 79th Annual Convention and International Sugar Expo-2021, Oct. 4-5, 2021,395-409
9. Nalawade K, Saikia P, Behera S, Konde K, Patil S (2020). Assessment of multiple pretreatment strategies for 2G L-lactic acid production from sugarcane bagasse, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (DOI: 10.1007/s13399-020-01163-5).
10. Arora R, Behera S, Sharma NK, Singh I, Ransore V, Saiyyed R, Kumar S (2020). Bioprospecting saccharification of alkali pretreated paddy straw through statistically designed parameters for biofuel production, Industrial Biotechnology, 16 (6): 375-385 (DOI: 10.1089/ind.2020.0015).
11. Burase R, Patil S, Joshi R (2020) Biomethanation of high solid containing distillery spentwash using developed acclimatized microbial consortia, Poll Res. 39 (4): 1034 1037.
12. Meghana M, Shastri Y, Nalawade K, Konde K, Patil S (2021). Life cycle and economic assessment of sugarcane bagasse valorization to lactic acid, Waste Management (DOI: 10.1016/j.wasman.2021.02.052)
13. Konde KS, Nagarajan S, Kumar V, Patil SV and Ranade VV (2021). Sugarcane Bagasse based biorefineries in India: potential and challenges, Sustainable Energy & Fuels (DOI: 10.1039/D0SE01332C)
14. Nalawade, K., Baral, P., Patil, S., Pundir, A., Kurmi, A.K., Konde, K., Patil, S. and Agrawal, D.,"Evaluation of alternative strategies for generating fermentable sugars from high-solids alkali pretreated sugarcane bagasse and successive valorization to L (+) lactic acid" 2020. Renewable Energy, Vol. 157, September 2020, 708-717.
15. S. V. Patil, K. S.Konde, S. D. Patil and R. V.Burase. 2G lactic acid production from sugarcane bagasse using Bacillus coagulans NCIM 5648, XXX ISSCT Congress, 31 August – 8 September 2019,Tucuman, Argentina.
16. R. V. Burase, S. V. Patil, R. D. Joshi “Isolation of Thiobacillusspecies from distillery spent wash and its sulfide oxidation activity” (2019). International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, ISSN: 2321-3272 (Print), ISSN: 2230-7605 (Online) IJPBS, Volume 9, Special Issue 2- ICESMT, 152-158.
17. R. V. Burase, S. V. Patil, R. D. Joshi “Minimization of sulfide content of spent wash during biomethanation using isolated consortia of sulphur oxidizing microorganisms” (2019). Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences and Technology, ISSN: 2392-8188, Vol. 4, Issue1, 8-17.
18. R. Arora, S. Behera, N. K. Sharma, S. Kumar (2019). Evaluating the pathway for co-fermentation of glucose and xylose for enhanced bioethanol production using flux balance analysis. Biotechnology Bioprocess Engineering, 24, 924-933 (DOI: 10.1007/s12257-019-0026-5).
19. S. Jagatee, J. R. Rout, S. Behera, S. S. Ram, M. Sudarshan, C. Pradhan, S. L. Sahoo, R. C. Mohanty (2020). Effect of enzymatic hydrolysis on structural, chemical and elemental properties of sweet potato flour. Waste and Biomass Valorization (DOI: 10.1007/s12649-020-00984-9.
20. Raghunath V. Burase, Sanjay V. Patil, Rajendra D. Joshi.“Minimization of sulfide content of spentwash during biomethanation using isolated consortia of sulphur oxidizing microorganisms” Journal of Advances in Applied Sciences and Technology (2019) Vol. 4, Issue1,8-17
21. Raghunath V, Burase, Sanjay V. Patil, Rajendra D. Joshi“Isolation of Thiobacillus species from distillery spentwash and its sulfide oxidation activity” (2019). International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, Volume 9, Special Issue 2- ICESMT, 152-158.
22. Patil S. V. “Producing alcohol and extracting yeast from molasses cassava and bagasse”. Presented in The 5th TTC Annual International Sugarcane Conference, organized jointly by the TTC Group and Vietnam Sugarcane and Sugar Association (VSSA) at Phan Thiet city, Binh Thuan Province, Vietnam during 17th – 18th August 2017
23. Burase R. V., Patil R. S., Rathod Gopal, Misale Govind and Dr. Patil S. V.“Pilot scale studies of biomethanation of high brix spentwash using developed consortium of microorganisms” Presented at 63rd Annual convention organized by “Deccan Sugar Technologists Association” at Belgavi (K.S.) from 14th to 15th July, 2017, Page no. 325-335.
24. Ingle S., Paradh A., Dudhane A., & Patil S.,Enhanced bio-ethanol production from different sugarcane bagasse cultivars using co-culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Scheffersomyces (Pichia) stipitis. (2017). Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 5(3), 2861-2868.
25. S. V. Patil, S. R. Ingle, A. D. Paradh. “Prospects and challenges of cellulosic ethanol production in India” Presented at 74th Annual Convention of STAI at Delhi 2016,pp 660-670.
26. R. S. Patil and S. V. Patil "Diacetyl formation in molasses fermentation and its separation in distillation - a case study” Presented at XIth Joint Convention of STAI and DSTA at Goa 2015, pp 776-787.
27. Asmita S. Wele, Nikhil U. Pendse, Shrikant P. Takle, Raghunath V. Burase, Sanjay V. Patil, Supriya Bhalerao, Abhay M. Harsulkar“Ayurvedic hydro-alcoholic antiasthmatic medicine Vasarishta built from Mritasanjeevani Sura: Development and evaluation” . An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda, Vol. 36, Issue 3, Jul-Sep 2015, pp 311-316.
28. Paradh A. D, Dudhane, A. A., Ingle S. R. and Patil S. V.“Cellulosic ethanol production from sugarcane bagasse using individual and mixed cultures of different pentoses and hexoses fermenting microorganisms” International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists-Co-Products Workshop held from 30th November to 4th December 2015 at Mauritius.
1) Dinesh Patil, Seema Joshi, Kakasaheb Konde and Sanjay Patil.“Critical & wholistic techno-economic analysis of options of b-heavy molasses and cane syrup use in
a sugar mill-distillery complex” Presented at DSTA 66th Virtual Annual Convention and Sugar Expo 2021.
2) Sanjay Patil, Sukhendra Singh, Shuvashish Behera & Kakasaheb Konde “Bio-Circular Economy: Opportunity for Diversification for Sugar mills in 395-409 Waste to Energy (Biofuels) Field: Compressed Biogas (CBG) and Organic Fertilizer" Presented at 79th Annual Convention of STAI.
3) Prof. S. V. Patil “Challenges, strategy and cost economics of ethanol production from multiple feedstock” Gujarat State Sugar Federation Seminar at Gandevi Sugar Factory:on 3rd March 2021.
4) Prof. S. V. Patil “Evaluation of dual feed route for ethanol production-opportunities, challenges and economics” STAI Webinar on 18th March 2021.
5) Presentation for Board of Directors of Malegaon SSK “Opportunity for diversification for sugar mills in waste to energy (biofuels) field biogas (CBG/CNG) and organic fertilizer from sugarcane bagasse, press mud cake and trash” By Prof. S. V. Patil at Malegaon SSK on 20th March 2021.
6) Catalyst Webinar: “Opportunities and challenges for ethanol production from multiple feedstock” By Prof. S. V. Patil on 16th May 2020
7) National Webinar by VSI: “Challenges, strategy and cost economics of ethanol production from multiple feedstock” By Prof. S. V. Patil on 4th November 2020.
8) National Webinar by VSI: “Implementation of DFPD guidelines in molasses based distilleries for ethanol production” By Mr.A. B. Deshmukh on 4th November 2020.
9) Presented to Maharashtra Pollution Control Board, Mumbai “No increase in pollution load-Enhanced distillery capacity with existing effluent treatment system” By Prof. S. V. Patil on 16th December 2020.
10) Dr.S.V. Patil, Head and Technical Adviser, Department of Alcohol Technology and Biofuels, VSI,“Optimizing ethanol production from sugarcane juice/syrup, B-Heavy molasses and sugar” presented in Sugar Technologists Association of India conference on 27th September, 2019 at Goa.
11) One-day workshop entitled “Use of sugarcane juice/syrup, B-Hy molasses and sugar for enhancement of fuel ethanol production and recent advances” was jointly organized by the Department of Alcohol Technology and Biofuels, VSI and MRSSK Sangh Ltd. at Vasantdada Sugar Institute on 28th August 2019 with the active participation of sugar mills and distilleries from Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Following presentations were presented during the technical sessions.
Dr. S. V. Patil, Head and Technical Adviser, Department of Alcohol Technology and Biofuels, VSI “Cost economics of ethanol production from sugarcane juice/syrup BH molasses and sugar”.
Dr. K.S. Konde, Joint Technical Adviser, VSI “Evaluation of pilot scale plant performance of pre-clarified molasses to improve alcoholic fermentation”
Mr. R.G. Mane, Secretary, Ethanol Association of India “Demand and supply status of ethanol in India”
Mr. Avinash B. Deshmukh, Technical Officer“Potash recovery from incineration boiler ash”
Mr. D.M. Vare, Distillery Manager, Loknete Sunddarraoji Solanke SSK Ltd. “Practical experience and advantages of ethanol production from B-Hy molasses route”
Mr. S.A. Patil, Scientist, VSI “Ethanol production from white sugar or raw sugar”
Dr. V.P. Sidnale, Senior Sugar Technologist, VSI and Mr. R.V. Godage,Scientist, VSI. "Monitoring and certification of ethanol production from sugarcane juice and B-Hy molasses”
12) S. V. Patil, K. S. Konde, S. D. Patil and R. V. Burase “2G lactic acid production from sugarcane bagasses using Bacillus coagulans NCIM 5648”. Presented at Proceedings of the XXX International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, Argentina, 2019.
13) Dr.S.V. Patil, Head and Technical Adviser, Department of Alcohol Technology and Biofuels, VSI “Perfecting recoveries from distillery waste water” Presented in Global Water Summit,2019 on 8 to 10 April at London, UK
14) Dr. Patil S. V. “Emerging issues of new ethanol policy” Presented at All India Distillers’ Association (AIDA), New Delhi on February 7th & 8th, 2019.
15) Dr. Patil S. V. “Enhancing first generation ethanol production opportunities and challenges” Presented at IISER, (Indian Institute of Science, Education and Research), Pune on February 4th, 2019.
16) Dr. Patil S. V. “Enhancing fuel ethanol production through B-Heavy molasses and sugarcane juice routes” Presented at Jubilant Life sciences, Noida, Uttar Pradesh on September 19th, 2018.